Concept Development and Design

At this stage, both parties have agreed to move forward with the project under an establishment of the preliminary legal structure. Following the decision, ULS will begin to fully develop the idea which will involve a target market analysis to determine what services or features are most desirable to the audience. We will then develop a detailed design brief and engage an architect.

Once a project name has been finalized, we will work with one of our trusted agencies to begin the development of the branding and visual identity. 

We will also begin to build much more detailed costing and financial models. These are done in consultation with the partner to make sure that we are in line with the proposed budget and revenue targets for the space.  

This phase includes:

  • Defining target market and value proposition

  • Concept development

  • Selection of architect and consultants

  • Brand development

  • Concept and design cost estimate

  • Design management



Land Screening and Project Requirements

